Movember 2015
This month I will once again be taking part in the
Movember campaign, to try to raise some money but as importantly raise
awareness of prostate cancer. Because unfortunately we (men) are a bit rubbish
in getting or asking for help, subsequently too many men die because they leave
it too late to get help. Last year I grew a Frank Zappa style moustache, this
year I'm going for more of a Magnum Pi one. I will post updates on my endeavours over the coming month, but please if you have any suspicion that something
doesn't feel right or you have concerns. Please get it checked out don't wait
for it to go away, it is more than likely nothing but it's better to be safe
than your family to be sorry.
Puh. Schnurbart ist wirklich wieder im kommen. Moustaches, also in Hamburg very popular again :-)