Firstly let me say I have been loving this book and the previous minis that IDW have been publishing, unfortunately this issue is a slight let down on what has gone before.
We have the Rocketeer hitchhiking due to loosing his jet pack to a couple of comedy goons at the end of the last issue, Betty been the worst undercover operative ever on behalf of two PI's who seem to have all the answers before Betty finds them so why they need her help is beyond me.
The whole issue feels a bit disjointed and seems to amble along which is a pity as the story has been topnotch up until this issue, at least the final panel gave me hope for the next issue as an out of control Rocketter comes crashing down into what appears to be a giant octopus or squid (never sure which is which)
I say appears due to the fact that the villain of the story one Otto Rune used to make his living on the stage doing an hypnotic act, so all my not be as it seems then again given the last story had a pterodactyl in it the squid thing could be real.
There are some good moments in the book like Cliff (Rocketeer) trying to use a new jet pack his friend Peevy had made him, you just know it wasn't going to go well hence the crashing into the octopus thing (hedging my bets).
The art work by J Bone is very cartoon in style but it fits the tone of the story, and more than helps give the book its pulp feel.
As I said slight disappointment but given what Ive read before I have high hopes for a big finish in next months final issue.